Our Impact
Where we Work
Sierra Leone | Malawi | Zambia | Somalia | United States
Every Child Fed (ECF) works to address critical gaps and advance the prevention of child deaths caused by Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). This work began in partnership with Project Peanut Butter (PPB) in 2011 in Sierra Leone to complete the first RUTF factory in the country. Over the years our work has expanded across multiple countries, and to include prevention along with treatment.
Sierra Leone
Latest Initiative: Maternal Mental Health
In 2022 we supported the launch of a maternal mental health program to expand beyond the treatment-based model of saving lives to holistic prevention. In partnership with Project Peanut Butter and Mental Health Coalition Sierra Leone we developed a culturally relevant assessment and treatment protocol that was certified by the government and have trained lay people on the materials. In our pilot year, we assessed roughly 1,000 women for depression, and over 500 received counseling. We are seeing tremendous results with women reporting greater well-being and sustainable livelihoods. We are currently working to scale this project up to reach more mothers. Healthier mothers have healthier children.
Local RUTF Production
In 2011 ECF’s inaugural project in collaboration with PPB was to support the completion of the final requirements for the international accreditation of Sierra Leone's first RUTF production facility. It continues to supply RUTF to PPB clinics, the government, and other hunger-fighting organizations over a decade later.
Past Initiatives:
Supporting Community Clinics
ECF has supported community clinics in Sierra Leone by:
Covering the cost of RUTF to ensure adequate supply for every child when the government or other donor programs did not meet the full need. More details
Buying a new vehicle to transport nurses to remote clinic sites. More details
SAM Assessment Training
In 2019 we supported parents to take charge of their family’s health with the skills and equipment to assess children in their homes and villages for early warning signs of SAM so they can get help before malnutrition becomes severe. More details
Oats for Improved RUTF Formula
We delivered three shipping containers of oat flour from General Mills in the US to the PPB RUTF manufacturing facility in Malawi to support 10,500 children suffering from SAM. Based on research demonstrating an 8% increase in recovery rates when oats were used in place of hydrogenated vegetable oil, General Mills donated 75,000 lbs of oat powder to support the PPB operation in Malawi. The only thing missing was the money to transport the oats from the US to the factory in Malawi. ECF filled this critical gap.
After consultations with key government, health, NGO, and donor organizations, ECF established a country office in Lusaka, Zambia to address the needs of severely malnourished children.
Key Activities (2014 - 2017)
Data collection and analysis to better quantify and articulate the need, assessing gaps in nutrition programs, and conducting clinic assessments to inform program development.
Collaboration with a national pharmaceutical distributor Medical Stores Limited (MSL) to assess the RUTF delivery system and develop a more efficient process to ensure RUTF reaches rural communities.
Raising awareness of child deaths caused by SAM by generating media coverage in local news media and ensuring SAM was included in national nutrition discussions through targeted advocacy with government, NGO, and community leaders.
Small Scale Production
In 2013, ECF collaborated with PPB and DHAF to establish a small-scale production facility to treat 2500 children each year. This addressed the gap in care resulting from the departure of Doctors Without Borders due to political turmoil. ECF provided equipment and training to enable DHAF to produce and distribute RUTF locally.
RUTF Emergency Relief
In 2012, ECF and PPB delivered emergency aid to children in Somalia. In total, 800 cartons of RUTF were delivered to the Dr. Hawa Abdi Foundation (DHAF) outside the Somali capital of Mogadishu. One thousand severely malnourished children received treatment from this one shipment.
United States
In 2018 we partnered with Generosity Feeds and 348 community volunteers of all ages to pack 11,550 meals to feed hungry children in Northern Virginia.